Company Introduction

Management Philosophy

The ultimate goal of Jupiter Express is to provide the outstanding quality of premier logistics solutions, based on expertise, visionary technology and global presence. We pursue sustainable growth and prosperity, which is to be shared between customers, employees, and local communities. We strive to make a positive impact in society and environment, cultivating happiness and health in the communities we love and care for.

Management Principles

  • 아이콘
    Fostering Logistics Professionals

    Jupiter Express believes that everyone has their own unique capabilities. We are empowering and equipping our people to perform at their best, enabling every Jupiter colleagues to achieve their greatest potential. We encourage our employees to achieve highest aspirations, fostering their talents to the fullest potential. We honor the colleagues with whom we work today and value our people to promote diversity in our workplace and in our thinking.

  • 아이콘
    Driving Innovation

    Jupiter Express continuously strives for improvement and innovation. We will keep discover new business opportunities and ideas. We will never stop to invent and inspire the services and technologies that improve the way we work and live. Our innovation pursues better ways to serve customers with new products, improved technology, and better connections throughout global networks in which it operates.

  • 아이콘
    Pursuit of Better

    At Jupiter Express, we’re constantly in pursuit of making better ways of employees work, delivering a better customer experience, and driving growth. It allow us to figure out more efficient ways to solve customer problems and finding better ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness, leading to greater retention and satisfaction of customers. We will not be afraid of failures and we will keep moving forward.

  • 아이콘
    정도 경영

    투명하고 올바른 기업 경영을 바탕으로, 사회적인 책임을 중시하고 고객, 회사, 직원간의 신뢰를 구축합니다.
    지속적으로 성장하기 위한 환경적 책임까지 다함으로써 모두에게 신뢰와 존경 받는 기업이 되겠습니다.

  • 아이콘
    Ownership Mindset

    We are proud to be a member of Jupiter Group. A true ownership mindset values group responsibility and taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. We strive to build personal connections and create an environment where people are comfortable sharing new perspectives and tackling problems together. It brings a sense of responsibility for each other’s work and deep sense of belonging. Such behavior builds trust, increases motivation, and induce all individuals to take pride in Jupiter Express.