Company Introduction

Vision Statement


Delivering an outstanding customer experience through dedication, evolving technology and operational excellence, to drive a new era of logistics.

  • 아이콘


  • 아이콘


  • 아이콘


Core Values

  • 아이콘
    Offering premier solutions and services
    We strive to provide exceptional customers service based on strong expertise, efficient services, and innovative solutions We take pride in providing high value service, which ensures customer satisfaction,
  • 아이콘
    Honest and Transparent Organization Culture
    Jupiter’s organization culture is based on honesty, transparency and emphasis on social responsibility.
    We set clear values on emphasizing the organization’s commitment to legal and regulatory compliance, integrity and business ethics.
    We encourage employees and business partners to behave legally and ethically, and in accordance with compliance and policy requirements.
    Every corporate activity will be conducted with honesty, fairness and integrity and to the highest professional standards.
  • 아이콘
    Provision of long-term benefits
    We deliver competitive advantage to our customers and attractive returns to shareholders We're committed to achieve business success while leaving a positive imprint on society by addressing social and environmental issues.
    We pursue safe and healthy working environments for the communities in which we live and work.
  • 아이콘
    Pursuit of happy organizational culture
    We encourage our employees to achieve highest aspirations, fostering their talents to the fullest potential.
    We strive to create a happy and rewarding organizational culture to improve the prosperity and quality of life of all employees.
  • 아이콘
    Pursuit of mutual trust and benefits
    We seek to provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our customers and business partners, which in turn boosts mutual trust and benefits We respect our competitors and face the competition boldly and squarely.
    We uphold the highest standards of conduct and we hold our services with honesty, reliability and integrity.